Honkenbonkers was proud to spread dyslexia awareness as a sponsor of the Central Texas Dyslexia Conference recently held in Austin, TX.
The event was put on by Dr. Rachel Robillard and her team at the Austin Independent School District (AISD). The other main sponsors were AISD, Dyslexia Parent Network, and the Karnik Institute. The sponsors, speakers, and participants at the event were all Honkenbonkers!
The event was special to me (Reed Elenz), the inventor of the word Honkenbonkers, because I have severe Dyslexia and I had the chance to tell my story about my successes despite this disability.
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Honkenbonkers Spreads Dyslexia Awareness
Honkenbonkers was proud to spread dyslexia awareness as a sponsor of the Central Texas Dyslexia Conference. The sponsors, speakers, and participants at the event were all Honkenbonkers!
Reed Elenz