by Reed Elenz | Feb 16, 2017 | Sports, Uncategorized, Video |
The Jumbotron at the University of Texas’ swim center is Honkenbonkers! A Honkenbonkers video animation was recently shown at The Lee and Jo Jamail Texas Swimming Center! This is the premier swimming venue in the United States. It is even the site of many...
by Reed Elenz | Jun 2, 2016 | Sports |
Sam Kendrick is Honkenbonkers! Sam is the premiere announcer of swim meets in the USA. He announces many competitions in the country including NCAA championships and the US Olympic Trials. And guess what? He’s a fan of the word Honkenbonkers! His “trademark”...
by Reed Elenz | May 4, 2015 | Sports References |
These NFL players have joined the Honkenbonkers Nation. NFL veterans Geoff Hangartner (9 years in the League) and Taylor Whitley (5 years in the NFL) both wear their new Honkenbonkers shirts with pride. Both offensive lineman graduated from Texas A&M. Hangartner...
by Reed Elenz | Jan 10, 2015 | Press, Radio, Sports, Sports References |
The word is spreading! Last Monday morning Boomer Esiason (former NFL Quarterback and sports comentator) talked about Honkenbonkers on his CBS SPORTS MINUTE radio show. Which is totally HONKENBONKERS! CHECK IT OUT! Say it, Live it! Honkenbonkers! ...